Saturday, November 12, 2016

LinuxFlight parts list

Making progress:

  • Fixed gyro interrupt.
    • Able to single with gyro ISR callback using epoll, and GPIO.  Need to merge into the flight controller loop.
    • Started moving code for GPS parsing using C++/ boost ASIO
Here is the parts list:
Opted to use a OrangePI Zero over the Neo AIR.  The goal is to get something in the air and then move to using a camera OSD/OpenCV.

Still can use a USB camera for a simple test.  

Here is a trace of the flight controller loop at 8Khz.  What is interesting is the I2C poll for the baro/Mag.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

LinuxFlight Progress OrangePI PC

Testing barometer(MS5611) and compass (HMC5883L) with CleanFlight configurator.  The first trial will be with the OPC, then with the new OrangePI Zero.

Things to do:

  • Need to add GPIO interrupt callback to sync the gryo
  •  Merge GPS parser boost asio thread. 
  • Add blackbox logging
  • lttng logging to validate timing
Some progress, going to order quad-frame, moters,esc, etc.  Time it is all assembly board should be ready along with firmware. 

Any questions?